
发布时间:2024-05-14 17:54 发布:上海旅游网


How could this habbit of stereotyping and making assumptions about people create problems in your day-to-day work? Here are a few examples to get you started:
-Creating embarrassment and confusion by assuming that two women or two men checking into a hotel together will require single beds. They could be gay couples
-Creating offence by assuming that a male will automatically pay the bill
-Making an assumption about a person's nationality based on their appearance
-Add at least five others which relate specifically to the workplace and ask for feedback from your Trainer


1. Assuming a lady will drink juice or soft drinks instead of alcohol or wine.
2. Assuming that the man and woman are husband and wife when they are checking in one room ,and they both have the wedding ring, thus, call them Mr X and Mrs X.
3. Do not call a middle-aged lady " Taitai(太太), What if she is single?
4. Assuming that a man at sixty staying in a hotel and a very young lady , having the same family name are father and daughter. and tell her " Your father has a message for you, Miss Peterson. "

5. Recommend the expensive dishes to a a well-dress person, Being well-dresses does not necessarily means that person is rich.

1. A car salesman making a wrong assumption in approaching the male customer when a couple were visiting the show room, while actually it was the lady who wanted a car.
2. Creating offence by assuming a man from Britain as an English while he is actually a Scottish. (my personal experience)


3. Assuming a Chinese looking guest speaks Chinese and you greet with Chinese while he/she knows nothing about Chinese.

