八路军办事处 西安办事处 英文导游词

发布时间:2024-05-18 09:04 发布:上海旅游网





西安 八路军办事处
Office of the Eighth Route Army in Xi'an
Xi'an is the Office of the Eighth Route Army in 1937 to 1946, our party and our army in the rule of the Kuomintang in an open area of the legitimate institutions. Its main task is to: promote the party's anti-Japanese ideas, to carry out anti-Japanese national united front work; to recruit young people to progress and distribution of Yan'an, the revolutionary forces grow; for the Shaanxi-Gansu-Ningxia Border Region and the anti-Japanese front-line to receive, transfer and procurement of war material.
Today, the Eighth Route Army in Xi'an at the former site of the Office of the Xi'an Seven Sages John Street North. In December 1936 after the peaceful settlement of the Xi'an Incident, the Communist Party of
China in Xi'an Seven Sages One village has set up a "liaison office of the Red Army" in 1937 after the establishment of the anti-Japanese national united front, the Red Army into the Eighth Route Army section of the National Revolutionary Army, "the Red Army liaison Department "has changed its name to" Office of the Eighth Route Army Zhu Shan. " One after another by Lin Boqu, Comrade Dong any party.
Zhu Shan, including the former site of the Eighth Route Army Office of the Seven Sages of a village, three, four, on the 7th House. In order to conduct the people's revolutionary tradition of education, in 1959 I will repair the original house, built for the Eighth Route Army Office of the Xi'an museum, the museum's reception room that year, including the drawing room, office, party room, a rescue room, confidential room in the basement And in this work and to live in the older generation of proletarian revolutionaries such as the construction of the living room, displaying a large number of documents, badge, radio, magazines, news and pictures of the martyrs manuscripts, photographs, and other revolutionary relics, vivid description of the specific things After the establishment of the Department, the historical task of study and the work of the Office of the comrades in the fight against the enemy and the scenes become a study tour of the former site of the revolution.
Lin Boqu leaders of the CPC Central Committee, Liu Shaoqi, Zhu De, Zhou Enlai, Ye Jianying, Deng Xiaoping, has lived in the offices, now has some room to restore the original appearance. After studying the Library will also be on display when the important documents, manuscripts, books, photos and in-kind.
Seven Sages One village homes sit south and west of the new West Street, before and after a total of four houses connected to the formation of the three courtyard, 4500 square meters floor area. After the door, on the eastern side of the reception room was used to receive visitors from all walks of life of those who went to Yan'an and all over the progress of patriotic youth; the west side of the garage, then display the use of the Office of the United States made "Chevrolet" sleeping car, had to use it for offices Yan'an transferred to the important material. The second building houses with Zhou Enlai, Zhu De, Liu Shaoqi, Ye Jianying, Deng Xiaoping's Aid to China that India's old team. From the house to the north, bypassing the kitchen, a barbershop and wells in the third house there was a confidential room, a rescue room, electrical room translation, radio, in the basement, Room Director, Office of the branches as well as the doctor Norman Bethune, Peng Old comrades. Room 000 was the fourth cottage staff of the Office of Residential.
Office of the Eighth Route Army in Xi'an, Shaanxi Province travel tips:
Location: Xi'an is located in North John Street, Seven Sages
Bus route: take the bus 4,9,10,11,102,103,610,703 North Street Station and get off.




王洛宾的作品极为丰富,光收集入册的创作歌曲就有741首。此外,他还创作了8部大型歌剧及大量其他音乐作品,出版歌集10本。更为可贵、令人肃然起敬的是他的生命不息、创作不止的敬业精神。在他发表的歌曲中,有63首创作于他被囚禁的15年中,有82首创作于他80高龄以后,其最后两首歌曲创作于1996年1月6日入住兰州军区乌鲁木齐总医院治疗以后。1996年3月14日,王洛宾因患胆囊癌医治无效去世,享年83岁。王洛宾曾制定过一个500年艺术生命计划,并且说:“一个青年人问我,一个人只能活100年,怎能定500年计划?我解释这是艺术生命计划,要写出最好的歌,让大家传唱500年。”可以这样讲,王洛宾毕生为之奋斗努力要去实现的,正是这样一个计划。 12454希望对你有帮助!

