
发布时间:2024-05-15 15:57 发布:上海旅游网






宏村又名弘村,都是取宏广发达之意。宏村汪九是唐初越国公汪华的后裔。村子始建于宋代,数百户粉墙青瓦、鳞次栉比的古民居群,特别是精雕细镂、飞金重彩的被誉为“民间故宫”的承志堂、敬修堂和气度恢宏、西朴宽敞的东贤堂、三立堂等,同平滑似镜的月沼和碧波荡漾的南湖,巷门幽深,青石街道旁古朴的观店铺,雷岗上参天古木和探过民居庭院墙头的青藤石木,百年牡丹,森严的叙仁堂、上元厅等祠堂和93岁翰林侍讲梁同书亲题“以文家塾”匾额的南湖书院等等,构成一个完美的艺术整体,真可谓是步步入景,处处堪画,同时也反映了悠久历史所留下的广博深邃的文化底蕴。至清代宏村已是“烟火千家,栋宇鳞次,森然一大都会矣”,至今仍为际联镇人民政府所在地。至八十年代中期开始发展旅游业,乔石、朱钅容 基等先后来宏村旅游考察,陈复礼、琼瑶、陈凯歌等先后来宏村进行艺术创作。进入九十年代,宏村入境游客人数每年以40.5%的速度增长,其中又以港台及海外游客为多。去年共接待中外游客4万人次,门票收入60.8万元,比上年增长8%。在2000年11月30日,宏村被联合国教科文组织列入了世界文化遗产名录。
Good morning, Ladies and gentleman. Welcome to Huangshan city. First, I’d like to introduce myself. My name is XXX . During your stay here, I’ll be your local guide. It’s my honor to be of your service. I’ll try my best to make your stay comfortable. Now, I want to say something about your itinerary. You will be here for about three days. The first day you’ll visit the ancient civilian buildings in Xidi and Hongcun village and you will spend two days enjoying the most beautiful scenery in the Yellow Mountain.
Ok, now we are heading for Xidi village, it’s about one hour’s bus ride. On our way to the village, you can enjoy the beautiful scenery in the countryside and I’d like to give you a brief introduction about Xidi village.
Xidi village lies in the southeast of Yixian County. It extends 700 meters from east to west, 300 meters from north to south and it covers an area of 16 hectares, with 320 households and 1100 villagers.
There is a small river which flows through the whole village, with a hill in front of the village blocking its course, so it flows to the west instead of the east. That’s how Xidi got its name.
The topography of Xidi village is well planned. It looked like a sailing boat from the high position. 122 houses, in black, white and gray colors, were built in the 18th and 19th centuries. Each has white walls, with elaborated shaped eaves and courtyards. The design of the streets and lanes are what they used to be, maintaining their ancient style of life and architecture. So in Jan. 2000, it was named by UNESCO as the world cultural heritage. From then on, lots of tourists have come to visit it.
