
发布时间:2024-05-22 14:07 发布:上海旅游网



夏梦·意杰服饰 现在在上海也有分公司了
主要定制杰尼亚西服, 根据版型,面料,纽扣数,开叉,口袋,领型等自定义选择

写Gieves&Hawkes无疑是要向Savile Row致敬。是的,Savile Row,这条代表着英伦西装最高水准的街道,对于任何钟爱英式西装的人来说,都可谓是心中的麦加。而Gieves&Hawkes这个位于Savile Row No1的西装品牌,自然是Savile Row西装水准和精神的最佳代表了。
虽然Gieves&Hawkes是以设计英国海军服装而起家,甚至在本世纪初还为中国海军设计国海军军服,不过作为Savile Row的一员,今天其当然是以西服的制作最为出名了。 在西服方面,Gieves&Hawkes提供三类服务,分别是Bespoke Tailoring、Personal Tailoring和Ready to Wear。
Bespoke Tailoring,也就是全定制服务。Gieves&Hawkes会由相当有经验的师傅负责对顾客的身体结构进行最仔细的丈量,同时询问对于每一个西服细节的要求,此后再配合从众多优秀的面料中选择出顾客所喜欢的,此后再花一段时间由技艺娴熟的技师手工制作,一件度身定做,因此也是绝对合身的英式西服便可以交到你的手中的。这样的服务价格自然不会便宜,2750英镑的起价差不多也就是4万多人民币。而且,除了美国Gieves&Hawkes会每年定期巡回一次提供上门量体的服务以外,其它国家的顾客恐怕就要跑到英国当地的专卖店才能享受到如此服务了。
Personal Tailoring,可以理解为半定制服务。也就是在现有的西服版型基础上,根据你的要求作一些细节上的调整,就完美程度自然比不上Bespoke Tailoring,但是价格上也便宜了许多,一般只需要前者四分之的价格,由695英镑起。
Ready to Wear,这也就是对于绝大多数大陆顾客可以接触到的成衣服务了。虽然是成衣,注定了其不可能像定制来得那么合身,但是Gieves&Hawkes秉持着优良传统,在质料、做工、细节这些问题上仍旧是丝毫不马虎的。举一个很小但是却能说明问题的例子,一般服装的钮扣上都绘雕刻有品牌名,很多品牌采取重复环绕式,所以钮扣是圆形的没有上下之分,而Gieves&Hawkes的钮扣是不重复式的品牌名,也就意味着圆形的钮扣依旧有上下之分,而且上下是决不会搞错的。这种有点自找麻烦的做法无疑凸现了Gieves&Hawkes对于服装细节的重视和高要求。

1. Are you fit and well enough to be interviewed?

2. Why do you want to go the US? Have you ever consider some other countries?

Regarding study plan in the US

3. What kind of course you are going to study? Why do you choose the course? Is the university foundation/Pre-Master/IB course a pure language course?

4. What is the duration? What’s your study plan?

5. When did you get your offer?

6. What is the course content? What are the entry requirements for Foundation programme / Pre-Master/ IB?

7. What kind of qualification you will achieve after each stage of the course?

8. What is the tuition fee? How much will the total costs be for your stay in the US?

9. Do you know the amount of annual living expenses in the US?

10. Do you know how many years you are going to study in the US? Do you want to study postgraduate program?

11. What subjects do you choose?

About the school

12. Do you know the name of schools you are going to? When did you apply for the school? When did you get the offer?
13. Do you know the location?
14. Why do you choose the school / university? How did you know about the school and the university?

Regarding your parents
15. What is name of your father/mother?
16. What do you parents do in China? What are their jobs?
17. Do you know their annual income? How much is their annual income?
18. Do you think your parents can afford your study in the US? Why? Who will pay for your study and living expenses in US?
19. Do your parents have any property / car?
20. How much money your parents prepared for your overseas study? How much is available for your stay in the US?
21. What is the diff. of studying in China and in the US? Have you studied English / have you taken any English training in China?
22. Tuition is relatively cheaper in China. Why do you want to go to the US?
23. Have you considered other schools?
24. What will you do in your spare time? Will you take some part-time job during your spare time?
25. Do you know anyone in the US? Are you travelling with somebody else to the US?
26. Will you feel lonely in the US? Do you intend to work in USA? Would you accept a good position that a company in USA offers you?
27. Will your parents come to visit you during your study in the US?
28. Have you been rejected by other countries before? What happened?
29. What will you do if you can’t get a visa?
30. Can you tell me why should I give you visa to go to the US?
