
发布时间:2024-05-09 14:42 发布:上海旅游网


1997年在原市文化局大院外商计划兴建51层信德文化广场。在地下3—5米处发现宫署御花苑的全石构曲流石渠,长150米,已发掘4000平方米,是一处人工园林水景。石渠迂回曲折,由西向东,渠底密铺黑色卵石。东头有弯月形石池,池底发现几百个龟鳖残骸,说明这是养龟鳖的水池,可能是赵佗喜食龟鳖,所以长寿百岁。西头有石板平桥和步石,外连曲廊。弯曲石渠当中有两个用以限水和阻水的渠陂,以形成碧波和粼粼水景。在石渠中有果核和树叶,可见御苑有种植水果和花卉。可以想象御花苑处处小桥流水,水果飘香,花草繁花,龟鳖爬行,鱼翔浅底,十分闲情雅致,一派岭南山水园林风光。石渠连接大型蓄水池引水,并有木质暗槽出口排水入珠江,保持水流长年不断。御花苑曲渠设计科学,建筑精巧,充满情趣,是一处古代山水园林建筑精品,达到相当高的水平。 在御花苑遗址共有7个时代的重叠文化层,发现秦、南越国、东汉、晋、南朝、唐、宋时期的遗迹遗物。还发现83口各个时期的水井,年代由南越国至民国时期,有土井、砖井、瓦井、木井、篾圈井和陶圈井,反映了不同时期的建筑文化特色。特别有趣的是那八卦砖井,八行竖砖间砌横砖,成八卦之状,可见古人已懂得这种刚性力学结构之原理,其筑井技术水平确实很高。




In 1997 the city Department of Cultural Affairs in the original plans for the construction of 51 foreign compound layer Sindh Cultural Square. 3-5 meters underground palace found in the entire Department of Royal Garden meandering stone Shiqu, 150 meters long, 4000 square meters has been excavated, is an artificial water garden. Shiqu tortuous, from west to east, drainage density Shop at the end of black gravel. Tung Tau have a meniscus-shaped stone pool, pool found the wreckage of hundreds of turtles, that it was raising the pond turtles, turtles may bepreference, so long life.sodu have stone steps and stone, even outside the. Shiqu bending for which there are two limits of the drainage water and water blocking weirs, so as to form and sparkling blue water. Shiqu iron in there and leaves,
Gyoen visible fruit and flowers are planted. Royal Garden can imagine all bridges, fruit fragrance, flowers, flowers, turtles reptiles, fish Xiang shallow end of a very elegant leisure, one Lingnan garden landscape scenery. Shiqu connect a large reservoir of water, and dark wooden trough exports to the Pearl River drainage, and maintain continuous flow all the year round. Royal Garden song Drainage Design Science, building sophisticated, full of fun, is an ancient landscape architecture landscape quality, to achieve a fairly high level. Royal Garden at the site of a total of seven times the overlap layer and found that the Qin, the South Vietnamese country, the Eastern Han Dynasty, Jin Dynasty, Southern Dynasties, Tang, Song period relic sites. Also found that all 83 wells during the period
, During the country from South Vietnam to the Republic of China, and Doi, brick wells, tile wells, wooden wells, ring wells and pottery bamboo ring wells, reflecting the different cultural characteristics of the construction period. It is interesting to note that in particular gossip brick wells, eight vertical line block cross between brick brick, into the eight trigrams of the form, we can see that the ancients had to understand the principle of rigid mechanical structure, the building is indeed a very high technical level of wells.
Ancient Chinese wooden architecture are building, orbuilding, where the ancient city like Rome, built of stone knot in the ruins of the Qin and Han Dynasty in China is unique, does the Panyu has been building technology into the West? Of course, there will be the ground or wood construction, but only out of South Vietnam when the Western Han Dynasty set fire to it. Qu bending and drainage flow, separated by Jing Jing, small and, to the natural landscape in the courtyard between the microfilm, is a typical feature of the Oriental garden; completely different from the Western landscape with geometric symmetry box, made exhaustive list of garden-style (such as France Chateau de Versailles). We believe that
This stone is like building Rome, technologies, and combined with the Oriental style of gardening is that the South Vietnamese Royal Garden Palais des Nations Department of the National first character of the most prominent examples.
[South Vietnamese country palace ruins]
The center of the palace is in the early 2000 archaeologists discovered about 500 square meters of the palace site on the 1st, where we can clearly see the two former South Vietnam in 2000 the palace of the King "casual water" in the Tang Dynasty 1,300 years ago paving the corridor , 1000 4 years ago, the South Han Palace "stone plinth pier" foundation trench, as well as the structure of various types of construction sites. Bottom line we can see that there are cobbled rocks. According to the archaeological director of the Institute of Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, the ancient palace-chu Liu archaeologists study presented here, which is usually gravel with Shop in the ancient palace of the ground under the eaves, rainwater is used to access the "casual water."
Structure of the Han Dynasty to gravel for the "casual water" is a class limit, if the ground around the palace roof were covered with "casual water" is a standard Palace, shops on both sides is the only criteria Wang. From this site, the north and east of the palace have paved the gravel "casual water", in accordance with the laws of China Construction symmetry, has not yet been unearthed in the west and south should also be paved with. In other words, this palace is the palace of South Vietnam in accordance with the construction of the Han. From the size, it may be the office of the local South Vietnamese Wang.believe that the palace must have more than one hall, there are similar Hall of Supreme Harmony in Beijing, China and the Middle Temple, Paul and Hall do? 30 years from his palace by the archaeological
Inspection to determine, and now unearthed a large hall, the south will no longer have a hall, it is estimated that more should be in the area west of the palace.
