
发布时间:2024-05-10 11:24 发布:上海旅游网


内容要让人感兴趣的还要有个ending,另外字数不用太多因为是个小组做 不过这个礼拜有很多事要做 恐怕我是写不了了 麻烦大大们替我写一个
能不能给个原创的。。。。别贴别人的 而且您这东西写的也太离谱了。。。


Food has a special meaning to the Chinese people. The "waste not, want not" ethos means that a surprising range and variety of plants and animals, and every part of a plant or animal is used. This has given rise to a remarkable diversity in the regional cuisine, but to westerners it can be overwhelming - surprising, fantastic, delicious, horrifying or disgusting - and above all, different.

In China, cooking is an art. Quite different from Western cooking whose recipes are followed strictly like laboratory instructions, Chinese cooking always allows for a creative and stylistic touch to it. Besides, great attention is paid to the aesthetic appreciation of the food. A good Chinese dish should be a great combination of taste and apperance.

China's vast territory and diverse climates has given risen to distinct regional cuisines over the country. There are main eight major culinary schools throughout the nation, each of which boast its characteristic way of cooking and unique taste.

Medicinal food is kind of food which can be used for dietetic therapy, and is processed through cooking. The final result is a combination of Chinese traditional medical knowledge and cooking experience.

Chinese people love to eat and China boasts one of the world's greatest cuisines. During the long period of development of the eating culture, there formed many things about the eating that foreign visitors may find quite different from what they are used to and even feel weird.

"The Chinese eat everything with four legs, except tables, and everything that flies, except airplanes". What are the staples and main food types of a nation who are willing to eat just about anything? Wild animals, snake, ants, you name it. If they can find a tasty way to prepare it, the Chinese will eat it with gusto. Here you will find staple foods and the main food types that the Chinese eat. What we tell you here is only the tip of the ice berg regarding the great variety of Chinese food.

Most Chinese vegetarians are Buddhists, following the Buddhist teachings about minimizing suffering. In addition, many Yoga practicers in China are vegetarians or vegans. Nowadays, in order to keep health and fit, more and more Chinese people who are not vegetarians or vegans, tend to eat vegetarian food from time to time.

Many Chinese dishes during people's daily life are easy to cook. For Example, Fried Rice with Egg takes only minutes to make. Others, such as Jiiaozi Stuffed with Leek and Pork, Saozi Noodles and Sweet and Sour Spare Ribs, take longer but still consist of only a few simple steps. Many of the ingredients can be readily available at the local supermarkets, while others may require a trip to a Chinese/Asian market or using a substitute. Here are some easy DIY recipe ideas. Even you are new to Chinese cooking, you can cook fine Chinese food by following the easy DIY recipes.
