www.beachcombercruises.co.nz; Town Wharf; mail run $75, cruises $48-65) Scenic cruises from two to four hours, and you can be dropped at one of the resorts for lunch. Also has cruise-and-walk or cruise-and-mountain-bike options. Also operates a very popular afternoon mail run on Queen Charlotte Sound, a genuine NZ Post delivery service.

这段话是说一个经营游艇的旅行社,提供除了常规巡游外,还有mail run ?是啥意思?"/>

mail run是什么旅游项目?

发布时间:2024-05-02 10:49 发布:上海旅游网


Beachcomber Fun Cruises (%0800 624 526, 03-573 6175; www.beachcombercruises.co.nz; Town Wharf; mail run $75, cruises $48-65) Scenic cruises from two to four hours, and you can be dropped at one of the resorts for lunch. Also has cruise-and-walk or cruise-and-mountain-bike options. Also operates a very popular afternoon mail run on Queen Charlotte Sound, a genuine NZ Post delivery service.

这段话是说一个经营游艇的旅行社,提供除了常规巡游外,还有mail run ?是啥意思?


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