
发布时间:2024-09-22 10:31 发布:上海旅游网


1.Routh, black rocks of lava just out of this water along parts of the coastline. In some places, cliffs rise almost straight from the water's edge. Along the gentle sloping land areas to the southeast are beaches of yellow, white and black sands.

2.A fascinating city between sea and skym like Wenus rising from the waves, Venice welcomes tourists from the five continents drawn to her by the charm of her water and pellucid light, free from all dust and cooled by the sea breeze. She also offers the intellectual pleasures to be derived from her masterpieces which mark the meeting of East and West.

3.London can be enchanting or frustrating, vibrant and drab. But residents and visitors alike are prepared to tolerate or ignore the city's shortcomings for its endless ability to entertain, suiprise and reward.

4.Venice invites idleness and strolling. Its silence is restful and its sundials are inscribed with the words: I count only the happy hours.
1.Rough, black rocks of lava just out of this water along parts of the coastline. In some places, cliffs rise almost straight from the water's edge. Along the gentle sloping land areas to the southeast are beaches of yellow, white and black sands.
2.A fascinating city between sea and sky, like Venus rising from the waves, Venice welcomes tourists from the five continents drawn to her by the charm of her water and pellucid light, free from all dust and cooled by the sea breeze. She also offers the intellectual pleasures to be derived from her masterpieces which mark the meeting of East and West.
3.London can be enchanting or frustrating, vibrant and drab. But residents and visitors alike are prepared to tolerate or ignore the city's shortcomings for its endless ability to entertain, surprise and reward.
4.Venice invites idleness and strolling. Its silence is restful and its sundials are inscribed with the words: I count only the happy hours.


1.routh,刚刚走出黑岩熔岩这部分水沿海岸线. 在一些地方,几乎直线上升,从水中峭壁的边缘. 沿平缓的坡地,东南地区的黄色沙滩、白色和黑色砂.

2.A条迷人的城市之间的海skym喜欢wenus崛起从波 威尼斯游客欢迎来自五大洲的注意,她的魅力和她扼要水轻, 冷尘并没有任何的海风. 她还提供了智力犬马可从她的作品中,庆祝会上东西.

3.london沮丧或可迷人、活泼、死气沉沉. 但居民及游客均愿意容忍或无视全市的无穷能力不足咫尺, suiprise和奖励.

4.venice请逸散步. 沉默是安生与古人所刻有文字:我只算幸福小时.

