
发布时间:2024-05-17 17:31 发布:上海旅游网




Since the 18th century England has been one of the main cultural centres of Europe. What they thought was lacking in their cultural heritage, the British imported through study travels abroad, the grand tour, or just by importing important artefacts. The London museums thus gathered an enormous wealth of artefacts both from their own history and of the shared history of the entire western civilization, plus a load of oriental treasures from their colonies.

Next to its museums, London has quite a collection of buildings that have played an important role in the history of architecture. Not just classical buildings like St Paul's Cathedral or the Bank of England, but also the neogothic Houses of Parliament and the high-tech Lloyds building, and numerous other public and private buildings, houses and palaces have influenced architects around the world. There's no other country where architectural style is a matter of royal concern.

Those interested can catch a glimpse of most of the main sights within two hours from the top of one of those famous double-decker buses.

