The Minnan sea world invests by the greatly simpleminded travelingdevelopment limited company constructs, is situated in the famousMinnan gold coast country club, 占地 21 Chinese acres, totalinvestment 150 million Yuan. Its modelling is ten thousand ton hugeships, names "the stone lion", length 148 meter, width 21 meter,height 28 meters, six structures, total floor space 17,600 squaremeters. It is by the sea world hall, the porpoise performance hall,Shi Guan and the root carving handicraft art center four major part iscomposed. With it necessary including: The holiday guesthouse, the seadining room, listen to the Tao view sea teahouse, the sea souvenirmarket, to revolve the airplane, the playground, the wonderful stonereads extensively the hall, the ship goes against the seafood boateight big projects. The sea world is our country at present most hasthe scale characteristic, the necessary service most completelarge-scale sea theme park.