
发布时间:2024-06-18 21:04 发布:上海旅游网


2.2. Processing of illustrations for evaluation
Preferences for the different levels of the three forest characteristics were examined through visual presentation. This choice seems reasonable, as recreational experiences are largely grounded, as mentioned earlier, in the visual appearance of the forest. Furthermore, illustrations support the creation of a shared platform for interpretation and thereby the respondents’ answers (Adamowicz et al., 1998; Tahvanainen et al., 2001).
Relatively little is known, however, about the effectiveness of different modes of visualisation as means for communicating with the public (Sheppard, 2001; Bell, 2001b). In this study, the illustrations for evaluation were produced by manipulating a set of hand drawn coloured profile diagrams developed by the Danish Forest and Nature Agency as a tool for communicating the implications of nature-based management at stand level (Larsen and Danish Forest and Nature Agency, 2005). Processing these profile diagrams offered the possibility of controlling the characteristics that were the focus of the study as well as those that were not. This is widely accepted as a key factor in public preferences studies (Bennett and Adamowicz, 2001); control is often problematic when using photos (Karjalainen and Tyrv¨ainen, 2002).
The original profile diagrams were edited by use of Photoshop 7.0.1 (Adobe, 2002) in order to illustrate precisely the 27 different combinations of forest characteristics. In addition to these illustrations, each alternative was described verbally in valuefree terms in the choice sets (Fig. 1). Respondents were asked to
imagine the forest stand in nature, and evaluate that mental image rather than the illustration. The focus group tests confirmed that laypersons were able to do so.


