燕塞湖 英语导游词

发布时间:2024-09-24 09:35 发布:上海旅游网




Dear visitors:
Yan Sehu is located at the foot of Yanshan Mountain, located in the tourist city of Shanhaiguan, a beautiful ecological environment elegance, longevity Mountain National Forest is an important component of the park. Yanse Hu, also known as Shihe reservoir, this is the Shanhaiguan of a military fortress Tianqian, Sui, Tang, Liao, Jin period of multi-national military conflict in here. The late Ming and the peasant uprising leader Li Zicheng of military force with 200,000 UNITED Liao Ming-Zong Bing Wu Sangui and will Duo Ergun Shihe the two sides in World War II; Northern twice during the Second Zhili-Fengtian War occurred here; January 1933, Japan Army offensive aggression in North China, Mr Zhu-Guo patriotic general rise up the war of resistance generals are here. Now Yanse Hu, like a painting habitat, coastal cliffs Qianzibaitai, Weimiaoweixiao, the length and breadth of the natural landscape, Cangsong Cui Bo, Ye Xing Shan Tao, Cui Ying Ru such as the Bi-such as water, Yun-do poetic, known as the North "small Guilin," "small Three Gorges "reputation. Niaoyu Lin Yan Sehu within a scenic area, is the Tour and watch the birds show the leisure park, where the restocking of black swans, red-crowned crane, and so only 100 more than 2000 species of rare birds, have a high value and fun to watch .
I wish you a happy tourist!
