
发布时间:2024-06-24 19:51 发布:上海旅游网


Weakness or strength
Sometimes your biggest weakness may become your biggest strength.
Once there was a girl named Anna. When she was five years old, a terrible accident happened to her; she lost her left arm… since then, smiling face never found on hers.
With the courage of her family, the little girl made a big decision, she began to study judo.
She began the lessons with an old Japanese instructor.
The days passed quickly, however, the instructor made her do the same move again and again…
Several months later, the instructor took her to a tournament. Anna easily won the matches, almost everyone was amazed at the disabled girl.
Finally she summoned the courage to ask why she would win the match so much easily…
She knew the reason ,the only move she studied was one of the most difficult throws ,and the only known defense for that move was the opponent to grab her left arm.
Anna’s biggest weakness became her biggest strength.
Friends, remember: When God closes a door, somewhere he opens a window.
Never give up!


1.我觉的named 应该换成called 因为named 有命名为的意思,而called有叫作的意思。2.When she was five years old 如果你想表达的更地道一点为何不用at the age of five这样以一个介词词组开头会使人们有要看下去的欲望,而且又避免了一些连词的使用错误。3.she lost her left arm为何不改成she got her left arm lost 如果你这f种说法的话,她好象是让它自己掉的似的。4.found 要改成appeared 如用found这样就告诉人们,好象有人故意天天在她脸上找笑似的,用 出现 会代表她个人的一种意识。5.courage 换成encouragement 。6.study judo 最好换成take lessons of judo 若用study有点研究的意味,到底是眼上的功夫,还是腿脚手上功夫?不知道。7.这句就可换成she began to take lessons of judo with an old Japanese instructor这样不就简洁多了。其他的没啥问题了! 写的不错!希望我的回答你能够满意!呵呵!
