我的爸爸、我的妈妈还有我将要去长城旅游 用英语怎么说

发布时间:2024-05-17 22:16 发布:上海旅游网


Be going to 句型


你们上面回答的全是changuish(中国英语,只有中国人理解的英语)。实在太不地道了,老外一般都说“My parents and I are going to visit the Great Wall” 光是visit这个词就有旅游的意思,不需要再画蛇添足

My parents and I will be going on a trip to the Great Wall.

My dad, my mom and I will go to The Great Wall for a tour.

My father,my mother and I will are going to Great Wall of tirp.

my parents and I are going to Great Wall for a trip

My parents and I will have a trip to the Great Wall,
