麻烦帮忙翻译成一段英文 要求语法正确 机器自翻的不要.很急,急,急~!!!

发布时间:2024-06-27 01:48 发布:上海旅游网





Abstract :Being a striking woman star in the Chinese poetry field of Qing dynasty and also the first one to ingeniously combine rich meaning of poetry with its unique style in early Qing dynastry, Xucan is well-knownfor her wealth of poetry describing trivial family affairs and reflecting people’s living condition of the country.Her life is hard and desolate ,which can be shown through her poetry, but she is an artistic woman talent valuing feeling and virtue and show great concern about the country and her people
Key words : poetry describing trivial family affairs, poery about people’s living condition of the country, value feeling and virtue,
show concern about country and people

Can women in the Qing Dynasty Ci is on a wonderful work, but also will enrich the connotation of the early Qing Dynasty and the unique style of the United States and the first person to skillfully combine. Her boudoir words and word families to stay in the country known for generations, the word from her can be seen Can be rough life alone, but she is a re-section, the奇omesickness.

Abstract:Can Xu is a rare flower in female Ci circle in Qing dynasty,and also the first person who combines rich meaning and specific style.She is famous for the many Guige Ci's(Ci about woman's bedroom) and Jiaguo Ci's(Ci about motherland) that have come down to later generations.From her Ci's,one can feel she has a rough and lonely life,but she was a rare lady who values love and moral integrity and concerns with her hometown and motherland.

Abstract:Guige Ci,Jiaguo Ci,Value love and moral integrity,Concern with hometown and motherland
